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Back To School - College Students

What can a student do with $490?
Eat out ~ 40 times
Get enough gas for 5,000 miles on an average car

Buy an old car on Craigslist
…or even buy half a new college textbook (j/k, or is it?)

dddThat’s how much you can save when you get Microsoft Office Professional Plus with a valid .edu email on’s online store.

And it’s not only for the Office suite! We offer a wide range of newest software programs that can save 70% - 80% of original prices to students who have an .edu email address issued by their school.

Whether you need software for project management, building a website, productivity, or creating a database, students can find what they are looking for at an affordable price with professional support available from our software experts. 

You can also signup to our MCS Student Program for 100% FREE to receive latest updates and exclusive benefits & discounts here:

Check out our list of Open Academic products: